IT & Security

Security audit

We carry out penetration tests on your network (pentesting) and provide all the necessary protections to ensure the availability, confidentiality and integrity of your data. 

Security audit

During our security audits, we assess all aspects related to the security of your physical, technical, organizational, legal and human resources information. We then offer you a strategy combining the security of your sensitive data and the required performance.

Web security

Whether it is a showcase site or an e-commerce platform, we assess its vulnerability to cyber threats. We therefore offer you recommendations and solutions for establishing detailed security policies, including the integration of anti-intrusion systems, anti-content control, etc.

Network security

We have a range of intrusive techniques that allow us to measure both the internal and external security of your network. We are thus able to present to you the failures of your network, including those of your servers, in the event of an attack or technical problem, and to provide you with our recommendations to remedy them.

Continuity plan

Considered too time-consuming, the disaster recovery plan (DRP) is often neglected in companies even though it is nonetheless essential. This is why we suggest that you implement procedures and tools specially designed to maintain or restore your infrastructure in the event of a major disaster.

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How do you ensure that only your employees have access to the data they need ?

Let’s take a look at your IT infrastructure


Find out how we continuously ensure the integrity of your infrastructure.

We measure

We measure 24 hours a day the operation and technical performance of your IT infrastructure (hosted in a datacenter or on site), as well as all your SaaS applications (Software As A Service).

We report

Our monitoring systems instantly notify us of any errors that could potentially cause malfunctions.

We correct

We proactively correct errors and/or adapt the technical performance of your infrastructure to prevent any anomaly or deterioration of the user experience.

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Do you face any difficulty preventing and correcting anomalies that could damage your infrastructure ?    

Let’s take a look at your IT infrastructure

Private, public and hybrid cloud

Select an infrastructure and a digital workspace faithful to your strategic choices

On-site infrastructure

For many organizations that don’t run business applications on a SaaS model, especially in industrial environments, an enterprise-grade infrastructure can be easier to manage and more cost-effective. Our experts will not hesitate to suggest this type of traditional architecture if it meets your needs. Remote monitoring, maintenance and control by us will remain possible and transparent for users.

Hybrid Cloud

Our Data Center located in Belgium allows our customers (private and public sectors) to host their servers and data in a highly secure environment. We offer Backup as a Service (BaaS), mail archiving and site replication (DRaaS) solutions. Certified TierIII+, ISO 27001 and ISO 9001, our Data Center has joined the iSBT initiative, the objective of which is to support all data centers in Europe towards carbon neutrality by 2030. Our Data Center offers you all guarantees of availability, security and scalability. We also offer you a tailor-made combination of infrastructures between the Private Cloud (datacenter) and the Public Cloud (Office 365 or Microsoft Azure) which will give you secure access to your business applications: the Hybrid Cloud.

Digital Workplaces

Digital workspaces have become essential for employees working from home. The objective we pursue through our digital workplace offer is twofold :

  • Streamline communication around projects led by teams with cross-functional skills
  • Connect most of your workspaces to a portal (Intranet), secure and fully integrated with business applications.

Platform migration 

We fully or partially support your migration projects:

  • From your on-premises infrastructure to the private or hybrid cloud
  • From your server operating systems or hypervisors that have become obsolete
  • From your infrastructure to the cloud or to modern operating systems (servers, workstations, etc.)

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Do you want your infrastructure to meet your availability and security needs ?

Let’s take a look at your IT infrastructure

Managed IT Services

We simplify, standardize and respect outsourcing procedures in order to control your management costs.

Managed Infrastructure

We ensure the complete management of your infrastructure with an agreed level of service : 

  • Monitoring of your servers to track machine status and performance 
  • Monitoring of your servers to track machine status and performance 
  • Critical update of servers and operating systems
  • Administrative management of license rental contracts with service providers

Managed Security

Our “managed security” offer consists of maintaining a holistic security program that includes state-of-the-art security tools for detecting vulnerabilities in your network and thus preventing threats such as botnets, external attacks, Crypto-Locker etc. .

We regularly organize staff training, which you can also integrate into your data register (GDPR).

Managed Asset

By evaluating and keeping both your hardware and software assets up to date, we offer you :

  • Avoid funding unused resources
  • Reduce downtime
  • Determine, repair or budget for the replacement of your obsolete or defective assets
  • Keep a centralized global view, even from a mobile device, in order to make strategic decisions based on reliable data

Managed Support

We provide proactive and transparent support to users to resolve three categories of requests :

  • Immediate resolution of incidents hindering the proper use of current business applications
  • Management of new support requests
  • The installation of specific programs or new functionalities previously validated

Other services you might be interested in

Would you like to delegate IT control and management tasks to a qualified expert and discover the benefits of automation ?  

Let’s take a look at your IT infrastructure

Some testimonials of our clients

Koan Law Firm

KOAN is a business law firm, based in Brussels and Paris, which offers legal advice to national and international clients active in the sectors of fashion, design, e-commerce, real estate and entertainment.

For more than 11 years, ASSYST Europe has been proactively managing and optimizing Koan Law Firm's IT infrastructure. The solutions implemented target law firms in particular.

ASSYST Europe n’est pas seulement une excellente société IT, c’est aussi une équipe de confiance avec qui nous collaborons depuis 2010 ! Elle gère l’entièreté de notre structure informatique avec brio en nous proposant toujours les meilleures solutions en fonction de nos besoins et des nouvelles technologies du marché. Assyst Europe est un vrai atout pour Koan ! Nous recommandons vivement leurs services.

Sarah Goosse

IT Manager


Altea is a firm of 50 lawyers who offer legal services in the areas of public law, constitutional and administrative law, immigration law, nationality law and private international family law.

For more than ten years, ASSYST Europe has fully managed Altéa's IT infrastructure and proactively resolves potentially damaging malfunctions.

Nous avons pu apprécier, dès la conception de notre structure, dans laquelle l’informatique occupe une place essentielle, l’importante proactivité et la qualité du travail d’ASSYST Europe. Nous poursuivons, depuis lors, quotidiennement et avec une réactivité remarquable, une collaboration permettant la mise en exécution et le fonctionnement du réseau informatique interne mis en place à l’époque et qui a continué à fonctionner, sans bug.

Michel Kaizer

Co fondateur


POLITICO is a global non-partisan political and political information organization, launched in Europe in April 2015 which has offices in several European countries with more than 200 employees in Belgium alone.

ASSYST Europe a érigé la totalité de son infrastructure IT à Bruxelles, incluant un système de téléphonie IP et une stratégie de cybersécurité particulièrement avancée. 

ASSYST Europe travaille déjà depuis des années pour notre société. La migration vers le cloud nous a permis d’avoir un accès à nos emails et nos fichiers en toute sécurité et sans aucune interruption. C’est la solution idéale dans le monde de travail actuel ! Le support offert aux utilisateurs est plus que satisfaisant et ASSYST Europe résout toujours nos demandes dans un délai très court. Les demandes plus longues sont bien suivies par les informaticiens. La stratégie de cybersécurité était claire et bien coordonnée. La confidentialité des nos données a été renforcée et nos données sont mieux protégées.

Christina Gennet

Office & Operations Manager


AISE is the International Association of Soaps, Detergents and Cleaning Products. Members consist of 29 national associations across Europe, 18 member companies and 13 value chain partners. Through this extensive network, AISE represents over 900 companies providing home and professional cleaning products and services across Europe.

ASSYST Europe ensured the migration and then the merger of the two heterogeneous infrastructures on-site to a homogeneous infrastructure in the cloud, while guaranteeing the continuity of services and an agreed level of security.

ASSYST Europe a procédé à la sécurisation de notre parc informatique ainsi qu’à la migration de nos serveurs vers le cloud de manière très organisée et à tel point que nous n’avons subi aucune perturbation dans notre travail. Notre équipe s’est vite accommodée à une nouvelle manière de travailler particulièrement appréciée durant les périodes de télétravail !

C. Baïer

Senior Finance and Administration Manager


The Delegation of the Bars of France or DBF AISBL (International non-profit association, under Belgian law) represents all of the 69,900 lawyers in France (figures from the CNB as of September 9, 2019) with the European institutions: the European Parliament, the Commission European Union, the Council of the European Union, the Court of Justice of the European Union, at the Permanent Representation of France to the European Union, and at the institutions of the Council of Europe.

ASSYST Europe a aidé DBF à résoudre l’obsolescence de ses serveurs et a assuré la migration du nouveau serveur dans le cloud.

A la suite d’un sinistre informatique qui nous a fort impacté, ASSYST Europe est très vite intervenue pour récupérer les données perdues ou endommagées et a renforcé la sécurité autour de notre serveur initial dont elle a fait une copie. ASSYST Europe a mis en place un nouveau serveur avec un système de back-ups bien ciblés et fonctionnels. Grâce à cela, nous avons à présent une visibilité immédiate sur le travail qui est rendu par le système de back-ups et la garantie d’une sécurité optimale. Je salue la disponibilité, l’efficacité, le professionnalisme et la gentillesse des techniciens d’ASSYST Europe qui offrent une solution à nos soucis et répondent avec une grande amabilité à nos sollicitations. Nous sentons la qualité du recrutement en amont !. ASSYST Europe a assuré avec succès la migration de notre serveur dans le cloud. L’agenda de notre migration, fluide et sans couac, a été établi en concertation avec DBF.

Y. Nehar

Assistante de direction  & Responsable administrative